The grey sea and the long black land;
And the yellow half-moon large and low;
♦ She/Her
♦ 20+
♦ Bisexual
♦ Leo ☼, Sag ↑, Sag ☾
♦ Vietnamese-American
♦ AR 57 (uid available for moots)

My RTs and likes will be full of NSFW and DEAD DOVE content, so please don't follow if you're a minor or if you're uncomfortable with that!
I also use blockchains, so if I accidentally blocked you, please feel free to send me a CC to let me know.
I don't support harassment of any kind over ships, even if I don't personally like the ship. For more in-depth info on what I ship, you can check out the page above. However, this does mean that I sometimes block or mute people whose content I don't enjoy, especially if it's untagged. If anything I post makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to block or mute me, even if we are mutuals: no hard feelings!
DNI: minors, antis, if you think it's ok to send death threats to people
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Three fields to cross till a farm appears;

A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And the blue spurt of a lighted match,
And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,
Than the two hearts beating each to each!
My main ships: kaeluc/luckae (preference for kaeluc but I will eat any food), AllDiluc, ranwan, bingqiu, zhongxiao, zhongchi (sometimes chili), beiguang, ganqing, xiaoaether
I am a fervent multishipper, so there are definitely more ships I have that just aren't coming to mind right now. Also, sometimes I'll like or retweet content from ships I don't really ship. If I see pretty art, I enjoy and leave a like to support.